
Hosting a simple Code Editor on S3

I got this old code editor project sitting in github without much description - repo link. So I thought why not try to host it on S3 so I could showcase it in the repo.

Also it’s a good pratice to brush up my knowledge on some of the AWS services (S3, CloudFront, Route53). After almost an hour, I got the site up so it’s not too bad. Below are the steps that I took.

  1. Create a S3 bucket and upload my code to this new bucket -

  2. Enable “Static website hosting” on the bucket

  3. Create a web CloudFront without following settings (the rest are set with default)

    1. Origin Domain Name: endpoint url in S3 ‘Static Website Hosting’
    2. Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs):
    3. Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
    4. SSL Certificate: Custom SSL Certificate - reference my existing SSL certificate
  4. Create new A record in Route 53 and point it to the new CloudFront Distributions

Aaand here is the site:

Next I need to go back to the repo and write up a for it.