
Spotify - Time machine

“Music is the closest thing we have to a time machine”

Want to go back in time and listen to popular songs of that time? With a bit of web scraping, it is possible search/create a playlist of top songs in spotify with any given date in the last 20 years.

Where does the idea come from?

This is one of the projects in the 100 days of python challenge - here is the link.

How does it work?

This script would scrap for top 100 billboard songs on user’s input date. Then it would create a spotify playlist with following title format “hot-100-

To set it up please follow “getting started” in this git repo. Here is an overview flow:


  • The spotify api authenticate integration is complex and hard to get my head around. I ended up using spotipy python module instead of directly request to spotify api.

  • Took me a bit of time to figure out the billboard site structure. Overall not too bad, I cheated a bit and checked the solution. However, this is my own code version.

  • Duplicate playlist! Not sure if this is a bug, but playlist created by the script will not show in user_playlists(). So if a date is re-input, a duplicate playlist will get created.